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Kits For Assembling Motors And Transformers Vocational Training Equipment Electrical Laboratory Equipment

Item No.: KMT
KMT Kits For Assembling Motors And Transformers Vocational Training Equipment Electrical Laboratory Equipment
KMT Kits For Assembling Motors And Transformers Vocational Training Equipment Electrical Laboratory Equipment

Students can reel the winding considering the type of performance the machine has to ensure; then they can assemble the various components and at last they can test the assembled machine.
This programme proposes to assemble the following machines:
 Single-phase transformer of low power
 Single-phase autotransformer of low power
 Single-phase transformer of medium power
 Single-phase autotransformer of medium power
 Three -phase transformer of medium power
 Three-phase autotransformer of medium power
 Asynchronous three-phase cage motor of 4 poles
 Asynchronous three-phase cage motor of 2 poles
 Asynchronous three-phase cage motor of 2/4 poles
 Asynchronous single-phase cage motor of 4 poles
This line of kits includes:
 1 KIT for assembling single-phase transformers
of 220 VA and autotransformers of 470 VA
 1 KIT for assembling single-phase transformers
of 1,5 kVA and autotransformers of 3 kVA
 1 KIT for assembling three-phase transformers
of 2 kVA and autotransformers of 3 kVA
 1 KIT for assembling 24-slot motors:
 - asynchronous three-phase cage motor, 4 poles, 0.7 kW
 - asynchronous three-phase cage motor, 2 poles, 1.1 kW
 - asynchronous three-phase cage motor, 2/4 poles,
0.8/0.5 kW
 - asynchronous single-phase cage motor, 4 poles, 0.5 kW
Supply with